Extended mind / 2018
galerie Bertrand Grimont,
rue de Montmorency, Paris, Fr.
Curator : Marion Zilio et Bertand Grimont
There are sometimes mental operations that can be inverted like the two terms of an equation. The question then arises as to whether we are faced with an extension of the cerebral domain developing on the walls of the wall or in the grip of a physical concretization in the membrane of the cerebellum. For his third exhibition at the Bertrand Grimont gallery, Vincent Mauger pursues a research whose formal inspirations are born from the ideas of fragmentation and negative polarity, non-linear design processes and non-Euclidean geometry, pushing to the extreme the pairs of opposition. Fluid and changing, they aim to expand the artist's plastic vocabulary and open up a speculative, imaginary and creative horizon. His works think of the overflow of worlds.
Here reversibility is complete and contagious, it touches surfaces as well as depths, it challenges "pure form" and represents the possibility of modification. Not an infinite recreation of form, but another form, a reformulation of the idea, of the process of conception, of its metaphysical foundation. We inhabit his works, as they inhabit us. Derrida said of deconstruction in architecture that it is neither a method, nor an analysis, nor a critique, nor a theory, it is a producer of events. It unfolds and connects differently. It is housed in difference: a difference that we know to be dynamic, a difference that differs, displaces and thwarts. Things are not what they are, but what they become. Vincent Mauger's works perforate their state, from drawing to installation, from 2D to 3D, they have the capacity to inscribe themselves in movement, thus prolonging both gesture and thought.